
Titans24 — Secure Application as a Service. A security platform for your company.

We’re a team of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als and legal experts behind the tech­nol­o­gy that your com­pa­ny uses to:

Hacking, errors, breaches, DDoS

Our infra­struc­ture is designed to save your employ­ees time while allow­ing them com­fort­able man­age­ment of your com­pa­ny’s applications. 

Digital data security

Pro­tec­tion of your data in CMS sys­tems, with­in e‑commerce projects, and in databases.

Fast website access under high


100% access to your web page, Web ser­vice or e‑commerce. 

Technological advantage

Titans24 employ the lat­est tech for dig­i­tal access and stor­age that were adopt­ed by the mar­ket. Regard­less of what you know about IT — this stuff is bigger. 

High availability

Our infra­struc­ture is a swarm of nodes scat­tered between TIER 3/3+ ATMAN, OVH, and GCE servers with full redun­dan­cy and real-time com­mu­ni­ca­tions. This guar­an­tees SLA as in: Total SLA = 99,99% ATMAN * 99,99% OVH* 99,99% GCE* n. Here, n is the num­ber of nodes used by Titans24 to main­tain a giv­en ser­vice or appli­ca­tion and n >=3.

Automatic anti-malfunction switch

Your appli­ca­tion takes at least one con­tain­er. Each con­tain­er retains a visu­al matrix with its con­trol sum used to ver­i­fy the source code. All con­tain­ers have a Fin­ger­print such as this which ensures valid­i­ty in truth/false tests.

Containerization of applications

Your ser­vice oper­ates in a num­ber of par­al­lel copies which is ade­quate to num­ber of active T24 nodes. In case of any prob­lems with a node, the sys­tem will auto­mat­i­cal­ly redi­rect the appli­ca­tion to a func­tion­al address. In case of any mal­func­tions, you’ll be always able to restore the container’s pre­vi­ous state.

Scalability of assets

Our infra­struc­ture is a swarm of nodes scat­tered between TIER 3/3+ ATMAN, OVH, and GCE servers with full redun­dan­cy and real-time com­mu­ni­ca­tions that are locat­ed in Poland and in oth­er EU coun­tries. This guar­an­tees the con­ti­nu­ity of online access.

Support for legal advisers

With legal offices spe­cial­is­ing in IT law as our part­ners, we are able to offer sure legal coun­sel­ing in terms of RODO — on top of deliv­er­ing sol­id tech­no­log­i­cal backup.

GDPR and RODO compliance

We’ve been fol­low­ing RODO reg­u­la­tions since May 2018 with all the pre­cau­tions cov­ered. Titans24 will ensure that the right to be for­got­ten is con­ve­nient to han­dle for your service.

Crisis management

We over­see the pro­duc­tion and inte­gra­tion of safe­ty pro­ce­dures for ver­i­fied and poten­tial threats. Pro­ce­dures them­selves come from lawyers spe­cialised in cyberde­fense on the grounds of an audit. Our goal is to pro­vide „Full dam­age control”.

Domain and application health monitoring

Low domain rep­u­ta­tion is often the result of years of mis­man­age­ment. But you don’t have to wor­ry about MX records or com­pat­i­bil­i­ty any­more. Our admins will pro­vide the right set­up for it — we’ll work on it like it’s ours.


At all times, you can access the dash­board for your appli­ca­tion to see its struc­ture and avail­abil­i­ty. Depend­ing on your needs, you may focus sole­ly on the growth of the appli­ca­tion after the migra­tion with­out wor­ry about the infrastructure.

Stable and fast infrastructure

Access to your appli­ca­tions is mon­i­tored on every lev­el — our years of soft­ware devel­op­ment prac­tice result­ed in best achiev­able cyber­se­cu­ri­ty measurements.

Active security

We’re offer­ing 10 inter­de­pen­dent secu­ri­ty lay­ers for each appli­ca­tion, includ­ing: swarm intel­li­gence, mul­ti­level fire­wall, risk mit­i­ga­tion, brute force pro­tec­tion, coun­try block­ing, man­u­al block­ing, IP scan­ner, and a mal­ware scan­ner, among many others.

Access control

We fol­low strict pro­ce­dures that reg­u­late access con­trol. We’re pro­vid­ing you with access man­age­ment on admin­is­tra­tive and user lev­els. Entry to core fea­tures is diver­si­fied while still under access lev­el privileges. 

Process automation

We’re speed­ing up all that’s repet­i­tive — estab­lish­ing devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment, back­up recov­ery, tests, mon­i­tor­ing, or data migra­tion. Start sav­ing your time by lever­ag­ing Machine Learn­ing and our experience.


All sub­scrip­tion plans grant you a basic SSL cer­tifi­cate. It’s impor­tant to have it, as it encrypts the con­nec­tion with the ser­vice. SSL direct­ly increas­es your domain’s secu­ri­ty and the trust it receives from users and Google.

Leave us your work email, and we’ll help you choose the right plan